Thursday, 31 July 2014
Transformed Lives.
We have to praise God that we have won before we see the results.
This cave is a picture of the Church.
Very varied people in age, skill, talents etc. that God builds us into a victorious army.
Our background doesn't affect our present place with God.
However our problems have occurred, God wants to sort them out.
These people came to David and their lives were transformed.
We come to our captain Jesus and our lives are transformed.
(1 Samuel 22:1-2)
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
God Has A Plan.
David was counted as nothing by his family.
When David went to the place where he killed Goliath, his brothers said: why don't you go back to your sheep.
Now David is counted as someone by his family, they are beginning to see Gods call on him. He was made captain that day.
Don't listen to the people who say you won't make it.
God has a plan for your life.
(1 Samuel 22:1-2)
In Partnership With God.
When you see the news and you feel yourself being concerned about it.
Don’t bury your head in your hands. Instead, bury your head in the Word and speak Fathers word concerning the solution.
We work in partnership with God, so we can make good things out of bad situations.
(Lindsey Mann)
Precious Believers.
Three times here we read that Jesus is precious.
Not just to Father God, but to the believers, to you.
What do you call precious?
What is of utmost value to you?
What could you not live without?
What would you give everything else away, to keep?
Who do you love above everyone else?
Would you call yourself precious?
What do you believe Jesus thinks of you?
You are so precious to Father God,
He sent His precious son to die in your place.
To take the punishment for your sin.
To go to hell instead of you.
So you could live forever with Him.
If Jesus is precious to you.
You will want to tell other people about Him.
So He can be precious to them too.
(1 Peter 2:1-7)
Thursday, 24 July 2014
The Keystone.
Jesus is the Chief cornerstone, the Keystone.
The odd shaped stone that holds the whole arch together.
Holds the whole world together.
If you believe in this one who is different from everyone else; you will not be put to shame.
Jesus already bore our sin and shame, then He died and rose again and has raised us up with Him.
(1 Peter 2:6-7)
Living Stones for Jesus.
You too are a living stone like Jesus.
Being built up as a house for Him to dwell in.
You are a holy priest, holy enough to offer spiritual sacrifices.
All your prayers and praise, all the things you do for others.
All the times you spend alone with Him.
He accepts every one of them as a sacrifice.
(1 Peter 2:5)
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
Jesus was rejected by men.
He was not the only one to be rejected.
Look at the evaluations by men of these people.
Too stupid to learn anything. Thomas Edison.
Mentally slow, unsociable, and adrift forever in foolish dreams. Albert Einstein.
You ought to go back to driving a truck. Elvis Presley
Lacked imagination and had no good ideas. Walt Disney
Don’t you believe the negatives people have spoken over you.
They did it to these people and they did it to Jesus.
Every one of them succeeded and so can you.
You are precious too in His sight.
(1 Peter 2:4)
Sunday, 20 July 2014
Choose the Precious Word of God.
This is a deliberate act to lay these things aside.
All the things that the world operates in.
All the things that a new born baby would not do.
Instead, choose the Word of God, like a baby chooses milk.
Latch on and suck Life into yourself, so you can grow by it.
(1 Peter 2:1-3)
Thursday, 17 July 2014
The Followers.
This man thought he was so good, he knew the scriptures and kept them. But ........ Followers only follow Jesus as long as it remains comfortable.
He was sad because he did not want to give up anything because followers still have their own agenda.
Disciples lay their will down at the cross.
(Luke 18:18-23)
Be A Blessing Giver.
The multitude only follow Jesus because they see stuff happen.
Don’t be a blessing hunter who only stick around as long as they have a need.
Come closer to Jesus so you can be a blessing giver.
(John 6:1-2)
Get to know the Word.
Read it, study it, meditate on it, fellowship over it, pray about it, but get to know this parable.
This is the most important parable in the Bible.
Jesus said to them, Do you not understand this parable? How then will you understand all the parables?
The sower sows the word.
(Mark 4:13-14)
Understanding Parables.
Jesus could not be open with the multitude because He knew they wouldn't understand.
Parables need to be explained to be understood and He only explains them to His disciples.
(Matthew 13:34-36)
Be The Blessing
Don't live your life seeking the blessing. Seek to be the blessing.
The blessing of heaven comes with being in line with Father's purpose.
When we do His will the blessing always comes. Selah.
Friday, 11 July 2014
Mature Disciples.
In all of creation, we can only reproduce once we are mature.
Because Father wants disciples not just converts.
We have to make disciples to have spiritual sons and daughters.
So let's work on our maturity.
Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Go For It.
Being fruitful speaks of quantity.
Multiplying speaks of being like Father, we are in His image.
Fill the earth, means take off the limits in your minds.
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Multiplying Yourself.
Jesus' command to go and make disciples, are Father’s heart from before time began.
God made man in His own image and then spoke the very first words to man:
Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.
This is the purpose of God for His people on earth, increase.
(Genesis 1:26-28)
Even disciples doubt.
Jesus wanted His disciples to multiply themselves.
He recognised that they were capable of doing it as are all of His disciples, including us today.
Even if we doubt like some of them did. Those who don't care, don't doubt.
(Matthew 28:16-20)
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
You are a spirit.
So set your mind on the things of the Spirit. Choose to look at things from a heavenly perspective.
Where there is no sin, sickness, disease or lack.
Why? Because you died to the things of the world when you were born again.
The real you - the spirit - is hidden with Jesus in God.
(Colossians 3:1-3)
The Seed of God.
We are born again through a seed from God.
A seed that will never rot or decay, it is forever.
That tells me, once saved, always saved.
You are raised up as a spirit, a heavenly being.
(1 Peter 1:23)
Born from above
The word "marvel" in Greek literally means - to stand in admiration.
So don't just stand there looking - get on with it.
Encourage people to be Born Again.
The word "again" in Greek literally means - from above.
Christians are born from above. Heavenly-Born.
(John 3:3-7)
You must be born again.
If you are not - you cannot see the Kingdom, that means you cannot experience with your senses, understand or cherish.
First a natural birth, born of water. Now a Spiritual birth, born of the Spirit. Natural birth produces a flesh and blood person.
Spiritual birth produces a spirit person.
You are a spirit, born of God.
This is the start point for every Christian.
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