Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Happy New Year for 2015.

Happy New Year for 2015. We pray that you receive all the blessings that Father God says you deserve. May you get closer to Jesus this year than ever before.


Submission. Submission is the act of getting under (sub) someone’s mission and lifting them up so they can complete their mission. By providing them with help and support.

Remembering to Obey.

Remembering to Obey. We have to follow the leading of God and remember that love is - obedience. If He says that we should obey the leaders He has appointed, to make it profitable for us, then we should do ir. It is just a matter of trusting God. (Hebrews 13:15-17)

Definition of Love by John.

Definition of Love by John. Now John adds a new dimension to this command, by defining love: This is love, walking according to Father's commandments. Basically, love is obedience, doing what you are told. If you love Father God, you will obey Him. (2 John 1:5-6)

Definition of Love by Edwin Louis Cole.

Definition of Love by Edwin Louis Cole. Love is the desire to benefit others at the expense of self, because love desires to give. If it is not at the expense of self, it is not love.

Monday, 29 December 2014

Love is a Command.

Love is a Command. We have been looking recently at loving one another and loving ourselves. We just need to remember that this is a command. The Bible is not a book of suggested options. They are commands because He knows what is best for us. Loving like Jesus does; makes it sacrificial love. (John 13:34)

Sunday, 28 December 2014

What does Father God feel about you?

What does Father God feel about you? You are blessed, chosen, holy, blameless, adopted and accepted. (Ephesians 1:3-6) Do you know what Father God feels about you? Take a moment, and read these words as if He was writing to you personally. He says: I want to say that love you, with a healthy love that respects you, your abilities, and what you have and can become. I approve of you today, right where you are. You are a survivor, and if you hadn't been, you wouldn't be here right now. You have talents and are capable of receiving and giving. I'm proud of who you have become, even though you have had a lot of pain. I approve of what you are doing in your life. I value you and your ability to make decisions. I release you to make the decisions you need to make for your life; not hinging on what anyone else thinks, but for you and your life. I give you permission to move ahead and make decisions and be what you know you can be. I'm proud of you and I give you permission to love and to be loved in a healthy way. And to know that you are worthy of My love.

Christmas Truth.

Christmas Truth. There were shepherds that came to visit baby Jesus. But no wise men, they only came after Jesus was born. They eventually saw Him in a house, when He was about two. The Bible doesn't say they were kings or how many there were. What this means is that many false statements have been made about the birth of Jesus. A whole industry of Christmas Card makers have believed them to be true. So not everything you have heard about Jesus is true, but you still love Him. Lies have been spoken about you too. Lies like, you will never make it. No-one loves you. Do you know who has been the main perpetrator of these lies? You have - so stop it. Believe the Bible instead, because God loves you. (Matthew 2:1-2)

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas. Today is the day much of the world celebrates the birth of our wonderful saviour Jesus. Now we know that Jesus was not born in December. More probably He was born in March. So today is His official birthday. If the Queen of England can have an official birthday, then so can the King of kings. Let's enjoy the day and give Him praise because He loves everyone. Spread the love.

We love Jesus the survivor.

We love Jesus the survivor. Joseph was a carpenter, a house-builder, so he was not a poor man. Jesus was born in an outhouse or stable where animals we kept. Not because of poverty, but the hotel rooms were all full because of the census. Jesus was born and laid in an animal feeding trough as His cot. To show us all that even from such humble beginnings, we can all make it. Our past does not have to determine our future. We love Jesus because of what He did for us on the cross. We don't look at His humble birth and think - hopeless case, he will never amount to anything. We find His lowly start endearing and we love Him because He is a survivor - like you. (Luke 2:6-7)

Peace when you follow God.

Peace when you follow God. Sometimes we need to look behind the words in the Bible. Try to imagine the chaos then with lots of people moving from one town to another for the census. Sounds like a modern rush-hour but without the cars. Can you see now why God had to give Joseph peace. (Luke 2:4-5)

Being led by God.

Being led by God. The census was taken to raise taxes from the Jewish people for the Roman Emperor. It was seen as slavery and caused a revolt. But Joseph was being led by God, He was at peace going there. The angel had told him not to be afraid and to marry Mary. Being led by God means peace without fear. (Luke 2:1-3)

Can you believe it?

Can you believe it? Are you able to believe all these words in the last few days about you being loved? You can take it as Gospel because it is Gospel. Our Heavenly Father, the creator of heaven and earth loves you. Because you are worth it.

You Are Loved.

You Are Loved. The birth of Jesus happened to fulfil scripture. Jesus was to be of the house of David. Jesus was to be born in Bethlehem which means House of Bread - later He says I am the bread of life. All this happened to save you and make you worthy of Father. To give you a place in the family of God, as His child. After such an amazing feat of organisation by Father. Jesus is brought into the world to make you worthy. You have been made the righteousness of God. You are loved, you are loveable. You are special. You are precious. So you can love yourself - because He says you are worth it. (Luke 2:1-5)

Friday, 19 December 2014

Saved from your sins by Jesus.

Saved from your sins by Jesus. Joseph's first priority was to save Mary from the shame of being out of wedlock. While he was still thinking how best to handle this, Father speaks through an angel. Don't be afraid He says, marry Mary and she will have a son Jesus. This Jesus will save His people from their sins. (Matthew 1:18-21)

God proves He loves you.

God proves He loves you. The only reason Father sent Jesus into the world is because He loves you. He has proved His love in such an amazing way. Now you can truly live and not just exist, and you can live eternally. (1 John 4:9)

Jesus Saves Sinners.

Jesus Saves Sinners. Can you say like Paul that you were definitely a sinner? Then Jesus came into the world to save you. (1 Timothy 1:15)

Jesus Jesus - friend of sinners - we sing.

Jesus Jesus - friend of sinners - we sing. You are not loved because of anything you did. But because of what He did. This Wisdom is proved to be justified because it has fruit. There is an end result of Jesus loving sinners. The fruit is - People who have started to believe in themselves. (Matthew 11:19)

When did Jesus start loving you?

When did Jesus start loving you? We have met many people on hearing the Gospel say that they are not good enough to become Christians. No-one is. The key to this is - when did Jesus die for us? If Jesus loved you whilst you were a sinner - you cannot be in a worse place than you were then. If He loved you then He surely loves you now. (Romans 5:7-8

Father Loves You.

Father Loves You. Before you were saved were you one of "the world"? Of course. Then Father God loves you. Just believing in Him means you will not perish in any area of your life and you will live forever. (John 3:16)

Sunday, 14 December 2014

You Are Worth It.

You Are Worth It. The L'Oreal advert says - because you're worth it. Do you believe you are? The Bible says you are worth it, in many places. I challenge you to search for them and claim them for yourself. Now tell people that you are loved. The next time you see the L’Oreal advert, say - I am worth it too.

Experience Vs The Bible.

Experience Vs The Bible. If you do not love yourself. Your past experiences say you are not loved, not loveable. The Bible says you are loved by Father as much as Jesus is. You experience versus The Bible - one of them is a lie. Which one are you going to choose? Which do you believe? (John 17:20-23)

If You Do Not Love Yourself.

If You Do Not Love Yourself. Instead of doing good things for you. You punish yourself, because your not worth it. You will stay away from people because your not worth it. You will not give of yourself because your not worth it. What I want to know is - Who said your not worth it? Who planted the seed of self-hate within you?

Love your Neighbour - AS YOURSELF.

Love your Neighbour - AS YOURSELF. Eight times the Bible says - love your neighbour as yourself. What does this mean in practice? Choosing to do the same kind acts of love to others, as you would choose to have done to yourself. Trouble is - if you don't love yourself, you don't choose good things for yourself, because you're not worth it. (Romans 13:8)

Love God and Love your Neighbour.

Love God and Love your Neighbour. If we do not love God and honour His Word, we will have problems loving our neighbour. If we don't appreciate how much we are loved, we have problems. Do you know how much you are loved? Jesus said - I love you this much. And stretched His arms on the cross.

Remembering The 10 Commandments.

Remembering The 10 Commandments. Tablet One. 1 Do not have any other gods before Me. 2 Do not make any graven image and bow down to them. 3 Do not take the name of The Lord God in vain. 4 Keep the Sabbath day holy. 5 Honour your father and your mother. Tablet Two. 6 Do not murder. 7 Do not commit adultery. 8 Do not steal. 9 Do not lie. 10 Do not covet. (Exodus 20:1-17) Commandment 5 is the lynchpin. This is our Heavenly Father saying, love your own parents before you start loving your neighbour.

The Ten Commandments.

The Ten Commandments. They were separated into two parts. Two stone tablets each with a different focus. Love your God (Tablet 1) and love your neighbour (Tablet 2). Yet you cannot do either fully without also doing the other. Our love for God is the cause. Love for our neighbour the effect. (Exodus 20:1-17)

Monday, 8 December 2014

All the law is fulfilled by love.

All the law is fulfilled by love. We fulfil the law as we help our neighbour, he may be poor. Always leaving enough of our resources to bless our neighbour. Making sure that nothing we do would harm our neighbour. Blessing our neighbour by keeping him safe. (Leviticus 19:9-10 and Deuteronomy 22:8)

Sunday, 7 December 2014

God Is Love.

God Is Love. The culture of Father is love. We are encouraged to return to our first love. Our first love is spending time with Father and just letting Him love us. Our heart prospers on received love, not on given love. (John 5:20) Five Ways to love your children (and other people). Speak loving Words to them. Make Eye contact with them. Give them Hugs. Speak words of approval. Speak prophetically into their future.

Loved By Father.

Loved By Father. He says - I will be a Father and you will be My child, personally. He chose us before He created the universe. John knows His Jesus, he lives intimately, lives closely to Him. John describes himself as being loved by Jesus. What would you say about yourself. (2 Corinthians 6:18 and John 13:21)

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Daddy, Daddy.

Daddy, Daddy. When the Spirit comes on us we cry Abba Father (Daddy). You may study the Word but you won't automatically know Jesus. We can know the bible speaks about Father's love without ever feeling it. Yet we can come boldly into Father's presence. Children don't understand protocol, so God has no protocol for coming to Him. (Romans 8:13-15)

Jesus Loves You.

Jesus Loves You. As Father loves Jesus, Jesus loves us. Even if world doesn't know the Father, Jesus KNOWS Him. Then Jesus brought the revelation that we DO receive Fathers love. Disciples had only heard religious views about God before this. The religious don't know Him and don't know they can call Him Daddy. (John 15:9 and John 17:23)

What do you think?

What do you think? We all think with our mind. But the bible says - as a man thinks in his heart. So we think in two places. There is often a huge reality gap between the two. Between what we feel and think, and what God says and speaks into our heart. (Proverbs 23:7)

Monday, 1 December 2014

Father looks into our heart.

Father looks into our heart. 
Search my heart O Lord, to see if there is any wicked way (Greek = any pain). 
We work hard on the outside so no one will know about the pain we feel. 
Father wants to exchange our pain for His love. 
(Psalm 139:23-24)

Friday, 28 November 2014

Building With Your Words.

Building With Your Words. You can impart grace to people by what you say. Just make sure it is a word that builds up instead of tearing down. (Ephesians 4:29)

Equipped To Build.

Equipped To Build. The five-fold ministry is here to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry. One of the main aspects of the ministry of Jesus is - edifying His body. By what every joint (relationship) supplies. What have you been equipped to supply? (Ephesians 4:11-12)

Building With Spiritual Gifts.

Building With Spiritual Gifts. We all want to be used in the Gifts of The Spirit. Let us aim to use our spiritual gifts to build up the people in church. Seek to excel in it. (1 Corinthians 14:12)

Building Yourself Up First.

Building Yourself Up First. Just like loving others as you love yourself, you cannot build up someone else until you have been built up yourself. You must pray in tongues to do it. Then you will be blessed to be a blessing. (Jude 20)

Who Can You Build Up Today?

Who Can You Build Up Today? Aim for peace first. Then Father wants us to look for opportunities to build each other up. What could you do today to make someone feel better about themselves? (Romans 14:19)

Loving Your Neighbour.

Loving Your Neighbour. As Christians we have been made free, but use it wisely. Not as a way for us to gain personally, but to serve others. Here is how you can fulfil all the law like Jesus, love. But here is that connecting word again - as. He wants us to love others as we love yourself - do you love you? If you don’t love yourself, you cannot love your neighbour. (Galatians 5:13-14)

Growing In Love.

Growing In Love. All of these things causes the Body of Christ to grow, so that it can edify (Greek - build itself up) - in love. The power and ability to do all this comes from the head, Jesus. The encouragement to do it, comes from the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 4:15-16)

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

The Energy Of Sharing.

The Energy Of Sharing. According to the effective working (Greek - the energy supplied) by each of us. How much energy do you impart as you reach out to others? Then every part does its share (Greek - an exact amount like a measuring jug). You know yourself if you have put your full share, we know if we have reached the measuring line or not. (Ephesians 4:15-16)

How Do We Connect?

How Do We Connect? This all works by what each joint, each relationship supplies. Each member of the human body is connected to at least one other member by several ways. Bone joint, muscle, tendon, nerves, blood vessels, skin. As members of His body, we can connect to one another in many ways. Physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, or even just a smile. (Ephesians 4:15-16)

Jesus Our Head.

Jesus Our Head. Getting closer to Jesus, our head, takes some growing up by us. He is the cause of the whole body being joined (Greek - like the different parts of a building are joined). He empowers us being knit together (Greek - in affection, in love). (Ephesians 4:15-16)

Building Together.

Building Together. This is another way of us building one another up. This is not an option - it says each one of us has something, every time we come together. This is not prophecy, so it is not that scary. This is just you sharing with us, what God has showed you. So next time you see something in the Bible - tell someone. And because it can only be something that builds up, it can only be positive. (1 Corinthians 14:26)

Joined Together.

Joined Together. How can we all speak the same thing? How can we all have the same mind and the same judgment? By fellowshipping together more than we do. (1 Corinthians 1:10)

Working Together.

Working Together. The body of Christ is designed to work together. Can you see how this all comes together when we recognise that we are all in covenant together. Like it or not, you are already joined together. Every joint (relationship) supplies something to the whole. Each of us do our share and the whole body of believers grows. Not just numerically, but grows in love. (Ephesians 4:15-16)

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Angels Minister For Us.

Angels Minister For Us. The angels are sent to minster for us who are heirs of salvation. Please note that it says minister for, not minister to. Someone who has to minister for you has to be told what to do. There is a massive redundancy problem among the angels. Send the angels to bring that harvest in for you. (Hebrews 1:14)

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Heirs Together

Heirs Together Anyone who is Christ's is an heir of the promise together with us. We are all heirs together. No Christian is in a better position as an heir, we are all equal. Husbands and wives need to be especially aware of this. (Galatians 3:29 and 1 Peter 3:7)

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

In Covenant Together.

In Covenant Together. This is a second witness that children of God are heirs of God. Everyone you know who is a Christian is an heir of God. We are in this covenant with Jesus - together. We need to make sure we treat everyone like they are a joint heir. We are in this - together. We are in covenant together. (Galatians 4:6-7)

Joint Heirs With Jesus.

Joint Heirs With Jesus. As Christians we are His children and children are heirs. We are not co-heirs who each get a share of the blessing. We are joint heirs because we all receive all the blessing. There is going to be some suffering, but we will come through it. Then we will enjoy the glory together. (Romans 8:16-17)

Ministers of the New Covenant.

Ministers of the New Covenant. We are ministers of the New Covenant when we tell people that they can enter into this covenant too. This is not a legal covenant based upon laws and works. This is a spiritual covenant based upon grace. Completely through the sacrifice of Jesus. Our duty as ministers is to tell others. (2 Corinthians 3:6)

Friday, 14 November 2014

The Mediator Of The Covenant.

The Mediator Of The Covenant. Jesus is our Mediator, the One who brings peace between us and Father God. The One who helps us to obtain all the blessings. He is constantly interceding for us, so we acheive the greatest benefits of the covenant. This covenant has better promises because it does not rely on us to do anything except believe. (Hebrews 8:6 and Hebrews 7:25)

The New Covenant.

The New Covenant. The New Covenant is between Father and Jesus. We enter in to the benefits of the covenant without being responsible for keeping the requirements of the covenant. This is a covenant of grace. We receive all the benefits when we accept Jesus, because we become joint heirs with Him. All the blessings are ours. (Romans 8:17 and 1 Corinthians 11:25)

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

The Broken Covenant.

The Broken Covenant. Father decided that there had to be a New Covenant because His people broke the Old Covenant. There is a reason for that. All the previous covenants were cut between God and man, God cannot fail but man did. A new covenant can now be established because One Man fulfilled the Law in its entirety. Jesus. The New Covenant, can now be cut between Father and Jesus and neither one can fail. This New Covenant is not directly with us at all, it is important that we realise this. (Jeremiah 31:31-32 )

The Covenant Of Abram.

The Covenant Of Abram. Father made a covenant with Abram including his descendants, that is important. Then Abram decided to operate in the flesh and Ishmael was born. Again man messed up his side of the covenant, so Father made another covenant with Abram and the child od promise, Isaac was born. (Genesis 15:18 and 16:1-2)

Monday, 10 November 2014

The Covenant Of Noah.

The Covenant Of Noah. Father made a covenant with Noah and declared him to be righteous. It was not long before Noah had got himself drunk and caused all sorts of problems. Man messed up his side of the covenant. (Genesis 6:18, 7:1 and 9:20-21)

The Covenant Of Remembrance.

The Covenant Of Remembrance. How did David encourage Himself? He remembered all the previous times that God had delivered him from situations and from enemies. How did he do this? What was his process for remembering? He carved his staff, he cut it, marked it. Each mark was a reminder of the things God had brought him through. It is like having a covenant with it. If David had never carved, it could not remind him of victory. You have a car. You buy it, you look after it and feed it. In return, it will take you anywhere you want. You receive from a covenant based on what you put into it. The same applies to every relationship. (1 Samuel 30:1-6)

The Covenant Of Family.

The Covenant Of Family. Christian parents have been given a covenant to train their children in the ways of The Lord. Without giving them reason to be angry. Again, children are to obey the things that are right in the Lord. They are to honour their parents, to receive the promise. Thankfully we all get help to do it. (Ephesians 6: 4 and 6:1-3)

Husbands Love Your Wives.

Husbands Love Your Wives. This is a tall order for husbands to love their wives like Jesus loves. But because God wants it, He empowers husbands to do it. Husbands are to wash their wives with The Word in prayer. Keeping them cleansed from from the negatives of the world on a daily basis. (Ephesians 5:25-26)

The Covenant of Marriage.

The Covenant of Marriage. Then there is the covenant of marriage, based upon promises made to one another, where each one brings their own strengths. First we are all commanded to submit to one another. Then wives are to submit to their husbands as they do to Jesus. Husbands are only the head in the way Jesus is the head. (Ephesians 5:21-24)

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Our Covenant With Jesus.

Our Covenant With Jesus. In our covenant relationship with Jesus it is very one-sided. But there are things that we can bring. We speak His words to people for Him. We lay hands on sick people so He can heal them. We come to church so He can encourage us and empower us. (Luke 22:20)

The Main Covenants:

The Main Covenants: With Noah - The Rainbow is a promise to never flood the earth again. With Abraham - If you are Christ's you are Abraham's seed and heirs of the promise. With Moses - The ten commandments and the Law. With Israel - For their land. (Which is why we pray for Israel) With Jesus - Who laid His life down for us all. (Ephesians 2:11-12)

Nothing Can Hold You Down.

Nothing Can Hold You Down. Why was it not possible for death to hold Jesus down? Because the Bible said He would be raised from the dead. If that word came to pass exactly as it was spoken, what else? What other scriptures can turn impossible into possible. Just because The Bible says it. What can you believe for today. (Acts 2:23-24 and Matthew 16:21)

Friday, 31 October 2014

Nothing Is Impossible To You.

Nothing Is Impossible To You. Stay away from unbelief and you can do it. You have faith. You can pray. You can fast. You can receive the impossible. (Matthew 17:18-21)

With God.

With God. The key to these scriptures is the common phrase - With God. Are you with God? Does God hold a large place in your life? With God nothing will be impossible and because you are with God, nothing in His will is impossible to you.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

God Does Our Impossible.

God Does Our Impossible. Jesus does not just say that He can do anything. He specifically say He can do the things that are known to be impossible to man. (Mark 10:17)

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

All Things Are Possible.

All Things Are Possible. Jesus said, with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26) Just by definition: Nothing can be impossible to God. Don't stop believing for something just because it can't be done. Or because other people say it is impossible.

Monday, 27 October 2014

The Established Word.

The Established Word. One of the most important scriptures in the Bible is: In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. God's Word needs to be established in our lives. (2 Corinthians 13:1) According to this verse, there should be more scriptures to establish this one. There is: Deuteronomy 19:15 and Matthew 18:16.

Bearing Good Fruit.

Bearing Good Fruit. Here is the difference with the fourth group of people. The seed sown on good ground is when they hear the Word AND accept it. Then they bear fruit, 30, 60 or 100 fold. 30 fold harvest is 70 fold doubt. 60 fold harvest is 40 fold doubt. 100 fold harvest is no doubt. Get into The Word. (Mark 4:14-20)

Friday, 24 October 2014

The Sower Sows The Word.

The Sower Sows The Word. Four groups of people all heard the word., but have different results. Faith comes by hearing the word, so the problem is not faith. Here are the first three, who all have problems. • By the wayside. Not walking in the right path, wandering off. • Stony ground. They look like everything is fine for a while. Then they cave in at the slightest opposition and fall. • Thorns. These let the worries of life choke the word; so there is no fruit. (Mark 4:14-20)

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Obey and Prosper.

Obey and Prosper. Sometimes we need to follow Father’s instructions to prosper. Despite the famine in the land, Isaac was obedient and stayed in Gerar as He had told him. Father said: If you do this I will bless you and give you a possession. People who know they are blessed, will always sow. Isaac sowed in famine and reaped 100 fold when no-one else was reaping. He did not just prosper; he continued to prosper and became very prosperous. (Genesis 26:1-3 and 12-13)

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Be Fruitful and Multiply.

Be Fruitful and Multiply. Having given us that prosperity promise, Father says: Be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth. If there is always seedtime and harvest, there will always be prosperity. But there will usually be a loss, to gain. At the very least - the loss of a seed. (Genesis 8:22 - 9:1)

Our Prosperity Promise.

Our Prosperity Promise. As long as there is an earth we have this promise from God. We expect to have both cold and heat. We expect that each year will have winter and summer. We expect that tomorrow will have day and night. God shows us three permanent opposites so we can trust Him for the fourth. We will always have seedtime and harvest. (Genesis 8:22)

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Under Your Feet.

Under Your Feet. 

Jesus is the head and you are in His body.
So if all things have been put under His feet. They are under your feet too.

You are a winner.
No weapon formed against you can win.
You cannot be defeated.
If it looks like the devil is winning - he is a liar.

You can always rely on these prayers from Jesus and Paul. Whatever they prayed - is yours. 

(Ephesians 1:21-22)

The Power of Resurrection.

The Power of Resurrection. 

Paul wants us to know the power He has placed within us as believers. But what kind of mighty power is this?

The power that raised Jesus from the dead and seated Him in heaven. That means you too have that power and are seated in heaven with Him.

(Ephesians 1:19-20). 

Friday, 17 October 2014

Revelation Knowledge.

Revelation Knowledge. Then he wants us to open our minds to receive new information. So we can truly know that Daddy has called us personally. And what is in His will for us. (Ephesians 1:18)

Paul's Prayer.

Paul's Prayer. First of all Paul wants you to know more about Jesus. So he prays that Daddy will give you wisdom and revelation in your ability to know Jesus. (Ephesians 1:17)

Paul Prayed For You Too.

Paul Prayed For You Too. If you are a faithful Christian, Paul is including you in this letter. You need to know that Paul is praying for you and we will find out later what he prayed. Paul got his prayers answered. (Ephesians 1:1)

You Are Loved.

You Are Loved. Jesus then prayed something amazing. Because of His greatest desire for us. Jesus wants us to know that Daddy God loves us just as much as He loves Jesus. How awesome is that? We might not fully understand it but we can believe it. AND .... Jesus gets His prayers answered. (John 17:23)

What Did Jesus Pray For You?

What Did Jesus Pray For You? Jesus wants us to be as close to one another as He is to our Father. That is close. Our unity will cause people to believe. He also wants us to experience His glory, the blessing of heaven. Which also brings unity. Jesus gets His prayers answered. (John 17:21-22)

The Lord's Prayer.

The Lord's Prayer. In the middle of the true Lord's Prayer in John 17, Jesus stops praying for His disciples and begins to play for those who will believe in Him through the words of His disciples. That means every Christian. That means that Jesus was praying for you then. Jesus gets His prayers answered. (John 17:20)

World Overcomers Pray.

World Overcomers Pray. So precisely who can overcome the world? Anyone who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. Do you? That give us a huge list of people who need prayer because they cannot overcome the world. Because they don't believe that. (1 John 5:3-5)

Our Secure Victory.

Our Secure Victory. This is what makes your victory secure - the faith He gave you. Each one of us has that precise measure of faith. The trainer manufacturer did not pick Nike at random. You are too fast and too strong for the devil. (1 John 5:3-5)

Friday, 10 October 2014

Does God Have Evidence That We Love Him?

Does God Have Evidence That We Love Him? He just has to look at our obedience record, do we obey Him? None of His commandments are too heavy for us to bear. Every word in the Bible has enough power within itself to bring itself to pass. If Father commands us, He also empowers us. Automatically. Are you born of God? Are you born-again? Then you are in the world-overcoming class. Whey don't they let heavyweight boxers fight flyweights? It is not a fair fight. Yet God lets you fight the devil. You always win. (1 John 5:3-5)

So Then What Can Separate Us?

So Then What Can Separate Us? Death? No because we go straight to be with Him. Life? Now that is a bit trickier. Life can swallow us up so we have no time to receive His love. None of the demonic powers can put a wedge between us. Nothing from the present or anything in the future. No height of elation or depth or despair can do it. Just me. (Romans 8:38-39)

What Separates Me From His Love?

What Separates Me From His Love? Before we look at these potential problem areas, see this: Nor any other created thing tells me there is an exception in all of this list. ME. Even though God's love is there for me, I can fail to receive it. If we don't draw on that love we will not experience it. If I put £1m in your bank account and you never drew any out. You would have the same benefit as if it was never deposited. (Romans 8:38-39)

I Am Persuaded.

I Am Persuaded. Persuaded in the Greek means. To be stimulated by words to believe. To listen to, obey, yield to, comply with, those words. Are you persuaded? Do you listen to the Word of God often? Do you get stimulated by the Word of God? When you hear the Word do you strive to obey it? (Romans 8:38-39)

More Than Conquarors

Now Romans 8:37 says through Jesus we are more than conquerors. Greek hyper-nikao, in all these areas. We all know this word - market, supermarket, hypermarket. Hyper = over and above everything else, the greatest. Nikao = Victorious from the root word Nike = Victory. You are capable of the greatest victories on the planet. Lewis Hamilton can win a race without knowing how to design a formula one racing engine. That victory has already been won. He can win despite not being a racing tyre manufacturer. That victory has already been won. He just applies the victory. When we look at the victories Jesus has already won, we win too.

Inseparable Love.

Inseparable Love. When we read Romans 8:35-36 we realise, if there is one thing certain about being a Christian. There will be opposition. But once we are certain about the amazing love of Jesus we can answer all of these questions - with a resounding NO. And we know the devil is usually plotting our death. If not physically, then emotionally or financially. That's why we need to know we are winners

You Have Confidence To Minister.

You Have Confidence To Minister. Don't let your own heart condemn you. You have confidence and you can do this stuff. Because it is not you doing it - but Him. We know He answers because we ask in faith, nothing wavering. So be bold and go and minister to someone in faith. (1 John 3:21-22)

The Reward Of Confidence.

The Reward Of Confidence. Don't lose your confidence if it doesn't work the first time. Keep holding on and you will see the answer. Endure and receive. (Hebrews 10:35-36)

Steadfast Confidence.

Steadfast Confidence. The Bible encourages us to minister to each other. And encourages us to stay away from sin. To be a partaker of Christ means you are acknowledging that you are a vital part of |His body, by holding on to the beginning of our confidence. We all have enough confidence to start this process. He will bring it to completion. (Hebrews 3:13-14)

Rejoice In Confidence.

Rejoice In Confidence. There is a link between confidence and rejoicing. Why? You cannot rejoice and still wonder if it will work. Whose house we are? He comes to be with us where we are. So if we are stood in front of someone praying, He is there too. (Hebrews 3:5-6)

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Access With Confidence.

Access With Confidence. In Jesus, we already have - Boldness and access with confidence. Through faith in Him, not through anything of ourselves. This confidence is in the Spirit, not our own ability. Now you can minister to someone with confidence. Because you are stood before Him in the throne room as you do. That is your access. So be bold in ministering. (Ephesians 3:11-12)

Choosing The Spirit.

Choosing The Spirit. Paul had obeyed the law in all areas. But even with all that stuff correctly done in the flesh. He chooses to have no confidence in the flesh. And that is the key. Not choosing something that could fail. Then he tells us how he did it. He worshipped God in the Spirit and rejoiced in Jesus. That sounds like he enjoyed being a Christian. (Philippians 3:3-4)

Ministering With Confidence.

Ministering With Confidence. Do you believe that He hears you when you pray? If you are at home alone praying for your friend, will He hear you? What if you are stood in front of your friend praying with them? There is no difference between you praying for, or with someone. The confidence still comes from the answer - He will hear my prayer. (1 John 5:14-15)

How You Think - Is Important.

How You Think - Is Important. God is no respecter of persons and doesn't want us to be either. Think of everyone in the same way. Don't have favourites. One translation puts it - what you think of yourself, think of others. With some people you might say to that - please don't. Don't hang around people to your advantage. Don't take out to lunch only those who could return the favour. Whatever you do - put God first, not yourself. Promote Him. Finally brethren. Don't think that you know it all. The really wise person is always looking to improve his wisdom. Not trying to tell others how wise he is. (Romans 12:16)

Rejoice or Weep?

Rejoice or Weep? Rejoicing seems to be an easy task. But we tend to stay away from people who are weeping. And yet God wants to respond to both in the same way. Did you know that there are people around you who are weeping? Have you even looked and listened to see who they are. If you knew - what would you do about it? (Romans 12:15)

Blessing and Cursing.

Blessing and Cursing. Treat especially well the ones who treat you badly. Bless = empower to prosper. Curse = empower to fail. Which would you prefer was done to you. Then do it to others. (Romans 12:14)


Giving. If you see a person in need - ask God how you can meet it. Could you give some of your time, your talent, your money? What gifts do you have? Use them to benefit others for free. Hospitality. What does this word mean to you? Check yourself out. When was the last time you provided food for someone else? When did you last invite someone to eat at your home? If someone from church turned up at your home without notice. How would you react? How would you feel? (Romans 12:13)

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Hope, Patience and Prayer.

Hope, Patience and Prayer. The Monty Python song has it - Always look on the bright side of life. Patient in Tribulation - the original Greek means: To endure, bear bravely and calmly any ill treatments. He even tells us how, by keeping your prayer life strong. When a problem occurs, make talking to God your first reaction. (Romans 12:12)

Monday, 22 September 2014

Serve The Lord

Serve The Lord Don't be slothful, don't be lazy, work hard to serve The Lord. Be fervent in spirit, be enthusiastic about serving The Lord. Do you want to know the answer to all of Christian Life? The answer is "Yes Lord" - now, what is the question? (Romans 12:11)

What Is Love?

What Is Love? Love is the desire to benefit others at the expense of self. Because love desires to give. (Edwin Louis Cole) Real love always gives honour to the other person first. Most people think love is - what about me? (Romans 12:10)

Go For It.

Go For It. Does God want you to exhort someone? To encourage, to comfort, to strengthen them? Go for it. Has He graced you with the gift of giving? Go for it. Give liberally. Are you called as a leader? Be diligent in it. Are you called to show mercy to others by His grace? Be cheerful about it. Be brave and try some stuff out, you will enjoy it. (Romans 12:8)

Always use your faith.

Always use your faith. So that whatever you do, you do well. Is God calling you to minister to someone else? Go for it. Is He calling you to teach The Word. Go for it. If it is not God calling you, don't worry, you will soon know. (Romans 12:7)

Go And Prophesy.

Go And Prophesy. If we believe that your gift is prophecy, go for it. You have the faith needed for it, you have the measure of faith. Just make sure you do it safely. Grab a Pastor or an Elder and ask them to witness you saying it. (Romans 12:6)

Friday, 19 September 2014

Your Spiritual Gifts.

Your Spiritual Gifts. We each have different gifts, like the eye, the hand, the foot of a body. Grace to do stuff that we do not have a natural ability for. God is an expert in talenting the untalented. We can all do stuff we cannot do in the natural, by His grace. (Romans 12:6)

What Is Your Ministry?

What Is Your Ministry? Although there are many of us, we don't all have the same job. What is yours and how do you find out? Either God leads you, or you experiment. Try some out. Either way, we are all here to serve one another, what is your way? (Romans 12:4-5)

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Your Measure Of Faith.

Your Measure Of Faith. Don't put yourself, or anyone else on a pedestal. Why? Because God has given everyone of us faith. Measure (Greek = Metron) a precise measure of faith. NKJV = a measure of faith. KJV = the measure of faith. (More accurate) (Romans 12:3)

Mind Renewal.

Mind Renewal. Our spirit is already renewed, now we work on our minds. How? By reading the Word and fellowshipping with others. Then you can find out what God's will is for your life. His one - good, acceptable and perfect will for you. (Romans 12:2)

Monday, 15 September 2014

Living Sacrifice.

Living Sacrifice. We are encouraged to be living sacrifices. We can do it again and again. Jesus died once - for all. We can die daily. This is a holy thing to do, that God accepts with pleasure. After what Jesus did for us, it is a reasonable duty to ask of us. (Romans 12:1)

Friday, 12 September 2014

Seek His Word

Seek His Word Seek first the Kingdom of God. Seek His Word - FIRST. Let the Word be your first option. (Matthew 6:33)

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Love the Word.

Love the Word. Exalt the Word and receive your promotion. Get to know the Word and remember it. There will not always be time to look it up. If you found yourself without you Bible. How much could you quote? (Proverbs 4:1-11)

Daddy's Word.

Daddy's Word. We need to hear Daddy's instructions. Pay attention and keep His commandments. Get wisdom and get understanding. Speak His words. (Proverbs 4:1-11)

Receive the Word Personally.

We must receive the Word Personally. Wisdom is stored in The Word for us. So we can understand righteousness and judgement. Then we will understand the right path for our lives. (Proverbs 2:1-11)

Read the Word.

Read the Word. Incline your ear to wisdom. Apply your heart to understanding. If you don't understand - ask. Then we will understand the fear of The Lord. (Proverbs 2:1-11)

As we gather together.

As we gather together. Here is a perfect opportunity to serve one another. From a smile to an act of mercy, let it shine. Be the blessing to everyone you meet today. You were born to carry Father’s love to people.

Get on and do it.

Those who serve have favour with all people. Then the Lord add daily - people being saved. Where is your niche? What are you good at? Get on and do it. (Acts 2:42-47)

Friday, 29 August 2014

Serving Together

These believers were not trying to out-do one another. They were serving together, using their gifts together. They fellowshipped daily. The least we can do is fellowship more than just weekly. (Acts 2:42-47)

Be Yourself

Don't try to be what you are not called to be - be yourself. Bless the people around you with your own gifts and talents. Find out where your abilities lie and use them effectively. Some are more able to work in a practical way. Others are more effective in praying. Some just like to talk. Just do it. (1 Corinthians 12:14-18)

We cannot all be Pastors

We cannot all be Pastors, we cannot all be Evangelists. But we can all work to the best of our individual ability. Father has set each of us in the body just where He pleases. (1 Corinthians 12:14-18)

Effective Ministry

Father wants us to be as effective as Jesus in our ministry. By serving together. Not following man's ways. Growing up into and realising He is the head, He leads us. We are connected to one another by joints. The joints are the relationships between the members. We all do our part and we grow in love together. (Ephesians 4:13-16)

Five-Fold Gifts.

God gave the 5-fold ministry gifts to equip the saints. So that they can do the work of the ministry. To build up the body - both in size and ability. (Ephesians 4:11-12)

Loving Your Neighbour.

The whole of God's law is summed up in this: Love your neighbour as yourself. Make sure you love yourself first. So what can you do to love your neighbour? First - who is your neighbour? Anyone who needs to hear the Gospel from you, in any way. They don't even need to live near you. In these days of modern technology and communications we can reach the other side of the world with the tap of a finger. We can telephone, e-mail, skype, message, facebook. How many of us use one or more of those methods? Now you can love your neighbour the same way. (Galatians 5:14)

Sunday, 24 August 2014

You are not set free to serve yourself.

You are not set free to serve yourself. Liberty is not just for you to be free, but to serve others. Serving others by loving them. (Galatians 5:13)

Once you are free - Stay Free.

Try to remember what Jesus had to do to set you free. Let your gratitude to Him give you the strength to stay free. It is harder to get out once your are entangled a second time. Especially in the snare of the devil, he does not want you free. Galatians 5:1)

Thursday, 21 August 2014

What Do Free People Do?

They preach the Gospel, love their neighbour and lay hands on the sick. The biggest aspect of our liberty is to be free from what other people think about what we do and say. We are simply doing it because The Word says so. Happy for Him to bless us as we do. (James 1:23-25)

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Run to Jesus.

When Jesus sets us free and any hint of bondage tries to return. Run to Him. Then if we allow the Spirt to lead and guide us in all things. We will walk in the Spirit, and not fulfil the lust of the flesh. But it does mean refusing to do things our way. (John 8:36 and 2 Corinthians 3:17)

Monday, 18 August 2014

Jesus is the Truth.

The truth you know will set you free. Jesus said - I am the Truth. One of the most important truths we need to know personally is: How will Jesus treat me when I sin, or when I fail? How will He react when I come back to Him after I mess it up? Here is a clue - it won't be the same way your parents treated you. He will treat you in love. (John 14:6)

Friday, 15 August 2014

Abide in Jesus.

Abide means the following: (from the original Greek) With reference to a certain place: To tarry there, Not to depart, To continue to be present, To be held there, To be kept there, continually. Abiding allows you to: Continue to be, Not to perish, To last, To endure, To survive. When you are abiding: You become as one with The Word, You choose not to follow another option, You are not moved by anything different. As you abide in the Word: You are abiding in Jesus and waiting for Him to speak to you. Disciples don't just read, they wait for Him to talk to them about it. (John 15:7-8)

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Love One Another.

Jesus is speaking to His disciples, giving them a command. If we consider ourselves to be disciples - He is commanding us too. Here's the command - Love one another as I have loved you. How does Jesus love you? That is the base line for you being able to love other people. Love is how other people will know you are His disciples. Because they need to know who loves them and can pray for them. (John 13:34-35)

Are You Free?

Is there an area of your life where you are not free? Then there is a truth from the Word you do not know. Don't just visit The Word. Get back to abiding in The Word, it will set you free. (John 8:31-32)

The truth will make you free.

The truth will make you free - is conditional. First you have to believe Jesus. Now believers have to abide in His Word. Abiding makes them disciples. Disciples know the truth - because they abide in The Word. Then the truth they know will make them free. (John 8:31-32)

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Christians Are Precious.

Consider every other Christian to be precious. The Holman translation says: Try to outdo one another in showing honour. Consider everyone else more precious than you, whilst remembering that you were bought with a precious price. (Romans 12:10)

Friday, 8 August 2014

Wives Are Precious.

Giving honour to your wife - consider her to be precious. As you would to a weaker vessel. Why does it say - weaker? Often, the more expensive an item is, the more fragile it is. So consider her to be the more precious vessel. (1 Peter 3:7)

Precious Vessels.

Some vessels are precious and some are not. So keep yourself pure and you will be a precious vessel for Him. You might say - God ever seems to use me. Then pray over this verse and repent of the sin that prevents Him from using you right now. (2 Timothy 2:19-21)

The Pearl of Great Price.

This is not speaking about Jesus being this pearl. Heaven is like someone seeking a pearl of great price. Heaven did not need to seek Jesus. Heaven gave its best to buy this pearl of great price, the sacrifice of Jesus. This pearl is the Christian. You are the pearl. (Matthew 13:45-46)

The Cost of a Christian.

Look how precious is the cost of a Christian. You were purchased with the most valuable asset God had. You are so precious, He sent His only Son to be the price. (1 Peter 1:18-19)

Monday, 4 August 2014

His Purchased Possession.

You were bought at a price (Same Greek word that calls Jesus “Precious”). That makes you precious in the eyes of the purchaser. You do not belong to you any more - you are His precious one. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

Saturday, 2 August 2014

The Transforming Church

The Lord encamps around His people. Church is here to transform us. In Christ, we will achieve much more than we presently believe. (Psalm 34:6-7)

Friday, 1 August 2014

Meditate on good things.

Get into the Word and confess your victory. David's men found rest because they began rehearsing the solution. They became mighty men. We too become like the person we spend time with. David's spiritual son slew Goliath's physical son. Who are you hanging around with? (Philippians 4:8-9)

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Transformed Lives.

We have to praise God that we have won before we see the results. This cave is a picture of the Church. Very varied people in age, skill, talents etc. that God builds us into a victorious army. Our background doesn't affect our present place with God. However our problems have occurred, God wants to sort them out. These people came to David and their lives were transformed. We come to our captain Jesus and our lives are transformed. (1 Samuel 22:1-2)

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

God Has A Plan.

David was counted as nothing by his family. When David went to the place where he killed Goliath, his brothers said: why don't you go back to your sheep. Now David is counted as someone by his family, they are beginning to see Gods call on him. He was made captain that day. Don't listen to the people who say you won't make it. God has a plan for your life. (1 Samuel 22:1-2)

In Partnership With God.

When you see the news and you feel yourself being concerned about it. Don’t bury your head in your hands. Instead, bury your head in the Word and speak Fathers word concerning the solution. We work in partnership with God, so we can make good things out of bad situations. (Lindsey Mann)

Precious Believers.

Three times here we read that Jesus is precious. Not just to Father God, but to the believers, to you. What do you call precious? What is of utmost value to you? What could you not live without? What would you give everything else away, to keep? Who do you love above everyone else? Would you call yourself precious? What do you believe Jesus thinks of you? You are so precious to Father God, He sent His precious son to die in your place. To take the punishment for your sin. To go to hell instead of you. So you could live forever with Him. If Jesus is precious to you. You will want to tell other people about Him. So He can be precious to them too. (1 Peter 2:1-7)

Thursday, 24 July 2014

The Keystone.

Jesus is the Chief cornerstone, the Keystone. The odd shaped stone that holds the whole arch together. Holds the whole world together. If you believe in this one who is different from everyone else; you will not be put to shame. Jesus already bore our sin and shame, then He died and rose again and has raised us up with Him. (1 Peter 2:6-7)

Living Stones for Jesus.

You too are a living stone like Jesus. Being built up as a house for Him to dwell in. You are a holy priest, holy enough to offer spiritual sacrifices. All your prayers and praise, all the things you do for others. All the times you spend alone with Him. He accepts every one of them as a sacrifice. (1 Peter 2:5)

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Jesus was rejected by men.

He was not the only one to be rejected. Look at the evaluations by men of these people. Too stupid to learn anything. Thomas Edison. Mentally slow, unsociable, and adrift forever in foolish dreams. Albert Einstein. You ought to go back to driving a truck. Elvis Presley Lacked imagination and had no good ideas. Walt Disney Don’t you believe the negatives people have spoken over you. They did it to these people and they did it to Jesus. Every one of them succeeded and so can you. You are precious too in His sight. (1 Peter 2:4)

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Choose the Precious Word of God.

This is a deliberate act to lay these things aside. All the things that the world operates in. All the things that a new born baby would not do. Instead, choose the Word of God, like a baby chooses milk. Latch on and suck Life into yourself, so you can grow by it. (1 Peter 2:1-3)

Thursday, 17 July 2014

The Followers.

This man thought he was so good, he knew the scriptures and kept them. But ........ Followers only follow Jesus as long as it remains comfortable. He was sad because he did not want to give up anything because followers still have their own agenda. Disciples lay their will down at the cross. (Luke 18:18-23)

Be A Blessing Giver.

The multitude only follow Jesus because they see stuff happen. Don’t be a blessing hunter who only stick around as long as they have a need. Come closer to Jesus so you can be a blessing giver. (John 6:1-2)

Get to know the Word.

Read it, study it, meditate on it, fellowship over it, pray about it, but get to know this parable. This is the most important parable in the Bible. Jesus said to them, Do you not understand this parable? How then will you understand all the parables? The sower sows the word. (Mark 4:13-14)

Understanding Parables.

Jesus could not be open with the multitude because He knew they wouldn't understand. Parables need to be explained to be understood and He only explains them to His disciples. (Matthew 13:34-36)

Be The Blessing

Don't live your life seeking the blessing. Seek to be the blessing. The blessing of heaven comes with being in line with Father's purpose. When we do His will the blessing always comes. Selah.

Friday, 11 July 2014

Mature Disciples.

In all of creation, we can only reproduce once we are mature. Because Father wants disciples not just converts. We have to make disciples to have spiritual sons and daughters. So let's work on our maturity.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Go For It.

Being fruitful speaks of quantity. Multiplying speaks of being like Father, we are in His image. Fill the earth, means take off the limits in your minds.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Multiplying Yourself.

Jesus' command to go and make disciples, are Father’s heart from before time began. God made man in His own image and then spoke the very first words to man: Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. This is the purpose of God for His people on earth, increase. (Genesis 1:26-28)

Even disciples doubt.

Jesus wanted His disciples to multiply themselves. He recognised that they were capable of doing it as are all of His disciples, including us today. Even if we doubt like some of them did. Those who don't care, don't doubt. (Matthew 28:16-20)

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

You are a spirit.

So set your mind on the things of the Spirit. Choose to look at things from a heavenly perspective. Where there is no sin, sickness, disease or lack. Why? Because you died to the things of the world when you were born again. The real you - the spirit - is hidden with Jesus in God. (Colossians 3:1-3)

The Seed of God.

We are born again through a seed from God. A seed that will never rot or decay, it is forever. That tells me, once saved, always saved. You are raised up as a spirit, a heavenly being. (1 Peter 1:23)

Born from above

The word "marvel" in Greek literally means - to stand in admiration. So don't just stand there looking - get on with it. Encourage people to be Born Again. The word "again" in Greek literally means - from above. Christians are born from above. Heavenly-Born. (John 3:3-7)

You must be born again.

If you are not - you cannot see the Kingdom, that means you cannot experience with your senses, understand or cherish. First a natural birth, born of water. Now a Spiritual birth, born of the Spirit. Natural birth produces a flesh and blood person. Spiritual birth produces a spirit person. You are a spirit, born of God. This is the start point for every Christian.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Jesus the Son of Man.

Jesus was born of the seed of David according to the flesh. Our Father chose Joseph who was of the House of David, from the city of Bethlehem. Bringing Jesus in line with dozens of prophecies like Psalm 89:3. Father arranged that all those years ago and gave us access to the throne room. All because Father wanted us in His family. (Romans 1:3 and Psalm 89:3)

The Virgin Birth.

And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed. (Genesis 3:15) Her Seed, without a man being involved. This is confirming to us that Jesus will be born by a virgin birth. All because Father wanted us in His family.

For God so loved the world.

For God so loved the world that He ..... Placed a seed in Mary's womb by the Holy Spirit. Which is why Jesus is called the Son of God. All because Father wanted us in His family.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Can I Be A Seed?

You might say: I don't have what it takes to be a seed. All of us can die, that takes no effort at all. So if you allow yourself to die to self, you will produce fruit; much fruit. If you refuse to die, you remain alone. No-one will ever say to you - thank you for leading me to Jesus. (John 12:24)

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Becoming the Seed.

You don't need to know how Jesus will do it in your life. You just have to be willing to be a seed for Jesus. He already considers you to be a seed. But until you yield .... He will not force you to be used by Him. (Mark 4:26-27)

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

So what is the Kingdom of God like?

It is like a Christian that Jesus planted in a place like Warminster, Trowbridge, Wincanton etc. and the Christian's influence and effect grew and blessed everyone who came to know them. It is like a Christian that Jesus hid in workplaces like Nursing Homes, in Shops and Offices, in The Army, until everyone there was saved. (Luke 13:18-21)

Friday, 6 June 2014

Multiplying Your Seed Sown.

The Bible tells us that Father will multiply our seed sown. (2 Corinthians 9:10) Why not sow yourself into the Kingdom by sharing the Gospel. If every born-again Christian in the world were to win just one person to Christ....... Every year, the whole human race would be saved within seven years. Every week, the entire population of the planet would be saved within seven weeks. Every day, the whole world would be saved within only seven days. Why not go for it? You know you can do it.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

The Mustard Seed.

Jesus said His Kingdom is like a mustard seed that was planted. Now Jesus did not pick the mustard seed at random. Jesus picked the mustard seed because of how it behaves. This seed is not the smallest of seeds but it is powerful. What the Bible doesn't tell us is that this seed would have taken over this man's whole garden eventually. Mustard grows into a shrub 3 to 5 feet in height, but it spreads like wildfire. It is a dangerous plant around grain fields, it just takes over. Jesus said His Kingdom and the Gospel is like that, it just takes over.

Growing the Seed.

Once you have shared the Gospel with someone, they cannot un-hear it. They may forget, but it is still in there, growing. It has to, Jesus said the Kingdom is just like that. (Luke 13:18-21)

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Sowing the Seed

Jesus said - Sow a seed into the ground and it will grow. Sow yeast into dough and it will grow. Sow The Gospel into someone’s life and it will grow. It is a principle of The Kingdom - it will happen.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Read Ephesians 1:18-21 and make these confessions with us:

I know what is the hope of His calling in my life. I know what are the riches of His glory of my inheritance. I know what is the greatness of His Power to me as a believer. I know I am seated in heaven with Jesus. I know I am raised far above all the world and the devil can do.

Monday, 5 May 2014

God Chose You

He does not often choose people with power and influence. He chooses people He can work His power and influence through. Then God chooses the things in you that did not exist. To bring to nothing - all the negatives in you that did exist. (1 Corinthians 1:26-29)

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Focus On Jesus

Having been raised with Jesus, we focus on Him. And where Jesus is, there is always the best. We set our minds on the things of Jesus, not on things of the world. We died to our own will, so we had to be born again. Now our new life is hidden with Jesus in Father’s presence. (Colossians 3:1-3)

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

On The Cross

On the Cross, Jesus quoted Psalm 22 verse one. Did He believe that Father God had abandoned Him? No. This was Jesus moving into the next scene of the story of the life of Jesus, that Father God had written. He was running through the words like an actor reminds himself of the lines in the next scene. This just shows us how accurate the Bible is. How you can live your life by it.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

You Are Worthy

Here is a major stumbling block to prayer. "He won't answer me. I am not worthy enough". You see - I was brought up feeling unworthy. Then I became a Christian and found I was in the right place. Unworthy sinners are made worthy by Jesus' sacrifice. The less worthy you think you are, the more worthy He thinks you are.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Light Dispels Darkness

The world is in darkness, and the people, just look at the news. BUT, there is always a BUT with God. BUT, He will rise over you, His glory WILL BE SEEN on you. That is not you doing it. Light always dispels darkness. It means that you will not be affected by the darkness. Recession? - I am not participating.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

You Are The Light

YOU ARE THE LIGHT Say it. Acknowledge it. You are not going to be, you already are. Let it shine, that is a non-active word. Just let it happen. Which means you have to deliberately prevent it shining - don't. Your light doesn’t shine so that men can see you, but your works. Then they give Father the glory.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Arise and Shine

Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. This is a prophetic word. Speaking about the Church age, our time, now. It is a command. Arise and shine FOR your light HAS come. Our light (Jesus)has come so now we can arise. And the glory (honour, reputation and riches) IS risen upon you. Jesus said - As long as I am in the world I am the light of the world, now it is our turn to shine. (Isaiah 60:1)

Saturday, 29 March 2014


God tells us to arise in Isaiah 60:1. What happens when I arise? 1. My Position is changed. Positioned to receive. Open for change to take place. When the prodigal rose up everything changed for him. 2. My Perspective has changed. I can see further than before. We can see the future now we are risen. Step out of here and now and catch hold of the future. 3. It changes our Potential. We are limited until we rise. We cannot even walk until we arise.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Psalm 23

PSALM 23 The Lord is our personal Shepherd and His staff comforts us. Now think about the notches on His staff. They represent all that He went through for you and me. Hold on to that truth whenever a storm threatens you. You are delivered from destruction.

The Shepherd's Staff

Imagine having a Shepherd's Staff with a notch for every victory that God has wrought in your life. To help you remember. Imagine a Bible with a mark in the margin for every verse that God has made real in your life. To help you remember Try it in your own Bible.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Christianity - Proved.

As an Christian now, I have proof that what I am saying is true. Now I can experience Christianity as a truth. All I have to do is to repeat what The Bible tells me. When I pray I get results, when I stop, the results stop. I have proof that Christianity is true because of the many changes in my own life too. I know that I am loved by a loving God. I know that He chose me to be a part of His family before He created this world. People around me can vouch for the changes in me. That leaves evolution as still just a theory. Christianity is a proven fact.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Evolution - Prove It

Evolution - Prove It As an evolutionist I had no proof that what I was saying is true. There was nothing I could do to experience evolution as a truth. All I could do was to repeat what someone else had told me. In the school science class we did experiments to prove theories. Not just to prove them, but to prove them to us. By experience. Evolutionists cannot do that. Ask them to show you their truth.